Gilbert, AZ – Gilbert, Arizona is now accepting Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from developers for the Town-owned property located at the northwest corner of Elliot and Gilbert Roads. This land, which is 2.18 acres, was identified as the South Anchor in the Council adopted 2018 Heritage District Redevelopment Plan. Submittals are due March 12, 2020 at 2:00PM.
Gilbert is a community of just over 260,000 residents, making it the fifth largest city in Arizona. The Heritage District is the community’s original town site, representing the cultural and historical center of town. Today the District is approximately .3 square miles in size and is considered to be Gilbert’s official downtown. In 1989, the Heritage District was designated as a Redevelopment Area, and in 2013 the area was also designated as an Entertainment District. Over the past five years, the District has experienced a renaissance and contains a dense mix of retail, office, education, and housing uses. The area, which was dedicated as a redevelopment area due to slum and blight, has now become a downtown gem of the Greater Phoenix Area.
The South Anchor, which will serve as a gateway entrance to the Heritage District, has been identified as a “Key Project” within the 2018 Redevelopment Plan. This site is located adjacent to the Lacy Tract neighborhood and will consider all uses allowed in the Heritage Village Center zoning including office, neighborhood-scale retail and residential.
Through the Request for Qualifications and subsequent Request for Proposal process, Gilbert is seeking creative concepts from developers to maximize this prominent corner while meeting the vision of the Heritage District, filling any market gaps, generating economic wealth and aligning with the area’s character.
Quick Facts:
- Zoning: Heritage Village Center (the most flexible zoning in the District)
- Located in an opportunity zone
- Zero setbacks – developers have the ability to built to the lot line
- Shared parking available through an administrative use permit
- Gateway entrance to the Downtown Heritage District
- Should consider market gaps or needs in the Heritage District
- 2.18 Acres
Find additional site details by visiting
If interested in requesting additional information regarding this RFQ, please contact Gilbert Contract Analyst Terry Kelley at
Media Contact:
Kiley Phillips
Marketing & Communications Administrator